Online courses

Online courses in security, criminology and terrorism

There are several interesting (free) online courses in the field of security studies, criminology and terrorism that may be of interest to scholars worldwide. Here is a selection. Some courses may have already started (but can be joined later), some may have been finished (but could again be offered in the future) while others are offered on an ongoing basis. Please contribute to this effort by sending suggestions to Jorrit Kamminga at jokam [at]

Course title Course description
Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory and Practice Starting January 6 (2014), this free online Coursera course from the Dutch University Leiden provides a good introduction to anybody interested in terrorism and counter-terrorism.
Introduction to International Criminal Law Given twice a year, this free online Coursera course from the Case Western Reserve University provides a beginner course in matters of international criminal law.
Introduction to Conflict Analysis This United States Institute of Peace (USIP) free online course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of conflict analysis.
Introduction to Negotiation and Conflict Management This USIP free online course provides a thorough conceptual framework to help practitioners structure their efforts in negotiation and develop effective negotiating strategies.
Introduction to Interfaith Conflict Resolution This USIP free online courses is designed to enhace the peacemaking capacities of individuals and faith-based organizations.
Urban Crime and Violence Prevention This World Bank online course starts in March 2014 and aims to enhance the capacity of communities and local governments to design, implement and manage effective and sustainable crime and violence prevention and reduction strategies.

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